Need ideas for activities to do at Open Streets?
Here are a few to get your brainstorm session started:
Living Room on the Street - just bring chairs and maybe a deck of cards and people will come! There are very few chairs at Open Streets events, and people will welcome a sit-down. Get real fancy if you want with a couch and coffee table.
Song / Jam Circle - it's Music City, so encourage your neighbors to bring out their old song books and trusty trombones to make music together!
Clothing Swap - set out some tables or blankets for people to bring clothes, jewelry, accessories to leave, take, or trade with their neighbors and event goers
4 square tournament - bring a ball and some chalk and invite neighbors and event goers to participate in the longest game of 4 square the world has ever seen.
Yard Game - bring your giant jenga, cornhole, frisbees or any other yard games and set it up in the street
Parklet -- find a parallel parking spot, set up your turf, potted plants, benches and other items to create your very own park for a day. See Nashville Parking Day for ideas.
Trivia tournament - people know some weird things. Find out what.
Spanish/Somali/French etc. language conversation group - there are meet-up groups for different languages all over the city. Bring them to your block!
Youth Talent Show - chalk off a “stage” and set up some chairs! Have a few of your neighbors sign up before the event, or improv it!
Hula Hoops and Jump Ropes - so easy and so fun. Love double dutch!
Placemaking! Get neighbors together to make a plan to enhance your neighborhood streets and public spaces.
The Few Things NOT Allowed at Open Streets Nashville:
Selling things (food or other items) unless by a business already on the route
Charging fees for participating. Everything at Open Streets Nashville must be free.
Using motorized vehicles. Sorry, no mo-peds.
Once you know what you want to do, be sure to fill out our event activity form here.